Aniline Wood Dye Stains - If, you are looking for a unique, custom, vibrant, dense color. Aniline wood dye is the colorant you are looking for.
Aniline dyes are made from aniline oils and tar. Wood dyes are tiny pigments that penetrate deep into the wood. Which creates a more even distribution of color, especially in blotch wood species like Maple and Pine. Aniline dyes are available in liquid and powder form. Wood dyes are soluble in water, denatured alcohol and oil. The most widely available is ready to use water soluble. A "No mixing" required wood dye, use it right out of the can. It's my personal preference, getting the same color when you need a large batch. Aniline dye is light fastening, which means it fades over time when exposed to light. Most professionals will apply an oil base stain over the dye to prevent this issue. Dyes can be sprayed, brushed or ragged on for application methods
Aniline wood dye can be used in a numerous ways of staining process. Aside from the ready-to-use standard colors, you can mix them for a more custom color, The possibilities is endless.
Applying aniline dyes can be tricky, especially for a novice. Applying aniline dyes on a piece of wood is nothing compared to an entire floor. Applying dyes to a small piece of wood, requires no special skill or awareness. The chance of you making a blotch staining job is slim. But, when you are applying aniline to an entire flooring. If, you fail, the profanity and frustration is unbearable. If, you succeed, your DIY confidence level will be sky high.
As mentioned earlier, aniline dyes can be used in many staining process. A process is determined by your decor goals. Below is a list.
Aniline dye solubles, what you should know. Dyes can be soluble in water and alcohol.
There are four methods on how to apply aniline dye stains. Prep your area for staining, a double layer of tape should be used along baseboards and trim. Dyes tend to soak right through tape. Mask off walls using 12-18" masking paper to prevent splashes or overspray from hitting your walls or cabinets. Using a moisture, measure the moisture content and make note of it. This will also help determine when the dye is dried. Afterwards, use one of the following methods to apply your aniline dye.
Note: Dye application can cause excessive grain raise. You can water pop the floor and then screen with 120 grit prior to applying your dye. This will help minimize grain raise.
****Always wear latex gloves when handling aniline dyes.****
You can top coat aniline dye stains with any type of wood floor finish, except for water base floor finish and lacquer sealers. These wood floor finishes will reactivate the dye and move it around. The only way to apply these finishes without causing the stain to move is to spray the finish on.
Accidents happens, Luckily clean up is easy. Just take care of it right away.
On this hardwood flooring project. We installed new Maple hardwood flooring. The floor was then sanded, vacuumed and tacked.
We masked off all bordering surfaces to help protect from any dyes getting on it.
We applied our first coat of dye, using a rag-on application. The dye on this project was a 1 to 1 mix of denatured alcohol and water. We used Transtint dye - dark walnut. You can see with just one coat, the maple has gotten quite dark. Although, this is still light for our finish color.
A second coat of wood dye was applied to our hardwood floor. You can see the color get more dense. The second coat was applied once the floor was dried to touch.
As you can see here, after a 3rd coat of wood dye, the color is very dark and dense. It's also, late in the afternoon, the sun has changed angles. The room looks a little too dark. The image did not have enough natural lighting.
Once the dye was dried for a good 24 hours. We applied three coats of oil base polyurethane for a top coat. All masking paper and tape was removed. Any dyes that bled through our masking material was cleaned up with water and bleach.
From another angle, the wood dye appears lighter. Don't be fooled, there's recess lighting bouncing right off the hardwood floor.
On our Maple hardwood, the dark walnut color of the wood dye, really brings out the character of the wood.
A Modern Finish for a Transitional Interior Design. This bathroom was remodeled by The Chelsea Company.
You can achieve many effects with aniline dye. Aniline dyes has many uses as a colorant. You can use as a base color, mix it for a custom color, layer it oil base stains, hard wax oils. The possibilities are endless. Pick up some dyes and experiment with colors.
Dyes have many uses but can be tricky to work with. With some knowledge, you can widen your stain application skills. The possibilities are endless for a unique custom color design. So, go pick up some dyes and start playing around with samples. You will be surprised with what you can do with it.
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